Thank you to everyone that was able to attend our Safe Sleep training last week or was able to send their staff members to the event. We hope you had a great experience and are able to utilize this knowledge in your perspective fields and personal interactions. We will have a Lunch & Learn next Friday June 15th at Genesee Health Plan focusing on Family Planning. If you are interested or have members of your staff that might be interested, please share the information and have them RSVP through me. I have attached the flyer for easy sharing.
At our meeting last week, we discussed sharing items with the group about the State of Michigan’s IMR plan and some additional Safe Sleep resource materials. I have attached links below to some of the requested documents and videos. Let me know if you are having any trouble opening links.
State of Michigan Infant Mortality Reduction Plan (PDF)
Safe Sleep for Your Baby
Infant Safe Sleep – Information for Professionals
Safe Swaddling – Video (not recommended)
Sleep Sacs (recommended)
Click here to download the flyer (PDF)