Mott Community College (MCC) faculty and Pre-Nursing students are teaming up with Hurley Medical Center registered Dieticians to teach the community how to fight lead with nutrition. They will be at the Flint Farmer’s Market March 26 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and at Mt. Caramel Baptist Church, 1610 E. Pierson Road on March 31 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. to educate the public on how serving foods that are high in calcium, iron and vitamin C, can help limit the effects of exposure to lead.
“Our goal is to teach people how to choose foods high in these nutrients, find these nutrients in packaged food by accurately reading labels, and finding these nutrients in their favorite foods,” said Donna Ireland-Johnson, Nursing faculty at MCC.
A donation from Meijers is providing healthy snacks at both events.
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Foods to Reduce Effects of Lead
March 23, 2016
Learn About Foods That Reduce the Effects of Lead