We NEED your help!

Flint Neighborhoods United and Flint: Our Community, Our Voice has produced a flyer outlining the crazy quilt of ways to vote in 2020.

It contains ways to vote by mail, by absentee, where drop boxes are located throughout the city to deposit your absentee ballot, deadlines, how to determine if you are registered, where you vote, when you vote… just about ANYTHING you might need to know to vote in the November 3rd Election.

Here is the problem: Time is short, and this flyer needs to get into the hands of what we will call “new voters.” (or, those who may not have voted in a while) Voters who may not have a way to the polls or needs help in any way.

These flyers will be available to neighborhood groups and organizations no later than THIS Friday! Obviously, they need to be distributed prior to Election Day.

You know who your “at risk” voters are! Make sure they have this information and help them vote.

The flyers will be available in the parking lot of The Neighborhood Engagement Hub on Friday, October 23 and, if necessary, we will deliver them to you for distribution.

Respond to this email and we can make arrangements.

Every vote counts! Let’s guarantee a big Flint turnout!

Chris Frye, Treasurer, FNU

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