Notes from Session Three
November 15, 2014, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm
Salem Housing
Present: Mark Baldwin, Donna Calvin, Chris Frye, Raul Garcia, Joyce Gracey, Joe King, Carma Lewis, Audrey Martini, Kathy McGaughy, Jane Richardson, Annie Talley, Chris Zowala
Consultant/Facilitator: Artina Sadler
- There was no agenda for this meeting for the following reason:
- The initial goal was to generate action plan for the Communications and Blight groups in that order. However, the By-Laws state “Each committee is responsible for framing the respective committee’s roles and responsibilities within the given goal area…” (Art IV, Sec 2); thereby making this course of action and the associated process, prohibited.
- After discussion, President Chris Frye employed Art IV, Sec 4 of the FNU By-Laws and formed the Operations Ad-Hoc Committee and charged the committee with reviewing FNU’s By-Laws line–by-line and making a recommendation back to the full group. The recommendation should encompass all the amendments that need to be made to the current By-Laws as adopted 5 Oct 2013.
- The remainder of the session was focused on the work of this committee.
- Operations Ad-Hoc Committee
- Purpose: Responsible for structural policies and procedures of FNU
- Assigned Tasks
- Move By-Laws forward
- Membership
- Analysis
- Recruitment
- Welcome Team
- Policies and Procedures of FNU
- Members — The following individuals of FNU volunteered to serve on this committee
- Mark Baldwin
- Donna Calvin
- Chris Frye
- Joyce Gracie
- Joe King—CHAIR
- Carma Lewis
- Chris Zowala
- Of the assigned tasks listed, the committee agreed to start with By-Laws
- By-Laws
- At the outset of the discussion, the work of Craig Wolcott was noted for the minutes
- The member’s present reviewed the By-Laws adopted in October 2013, line by line and suggested edits to be submitted to FNU body as a whole.
- The revised By-Laws will be distributed per the instruction therein AND be available at the December FNU meeting with the vote to amend the By-Laws taking place 30 days later at the January 2015 meeting.
- The Ad-Hoc Committee’s recommendation motion will be that the document be accepted in total as presented – rather a line by line acceptance if each change.