Grassroots Rising: Flint Leadership Institute and Resource Summit

Thank you to everyone who has already registered for Genesee County Habitat for Humanity’s Grassroots Rising: Flint Leadership Institute and Resource Summit.

As a reminder to everyone else, registration for the summit is still open, but seating is limited and filling up quickly, Individuals who are interested can register online or call (810)766-9089 ext. 208.

Attached is a flyer for the event which contains more information, including dates, times, locations, and course offerings. The training is being facilitated by NeighborWorks America with courses being taught by national experts in the fields of neighborhood revitalization, community engagement, and leadership development.

Please share this tremendous opportunity with your friends and neighbors, and don’t forget to register while there’s still time! Registration is free, with breakfast, lunch, and refreshments provided. To ensure that this opportunity is made available to as many as possible, we ask that individuals only register if they are committed to attending. This will help us to avoid having to close registration prematurely.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Vincent Slocum
Neighborhood Services Director
Genesee County Habitat for Humanity
101 Burton St., Flint, MI 48503
phone: (810)766-9089 ext. 208
fax: (810)766-9094

Register Now!

Watch our Impact Video to learn more about Habitat’s 25 years of building homes, communities, and hope in Flint and Genesee County

Grassroots Rising Flyer (PDF)

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