432 Saginaw St
Flint, MI 48502
Calling all do-it-yourselfers to MAKER DAY
Thursday, May 19, 2016, 10:00 am – 3:30 pm
University of Michigan-Flint
Spend the day with inventors and makers, and those who support them, at the UM-Flint Innovation Incubator on May 19.
If you make things, and want to know how to produce, market and protect your inventions, this is the event for you!
10am – Check-in and light refreshments
10:30-11:45am – Presentation: Getting your Product to Market with Marty Sovis, Inventors Council and Doug Prehoda, Mott Community College FabLab
11:45am-1:15pm – “Maker: The Movie” with lunch and discussion
1:15-2pm – Presentation: Flint Steamworks: Open community of makers, artists, and inventors with Mike Wright, Flint Steamworks
2:15-3:30pm – Presentation: Patently Good Ideas: Intellectual Property Law for Entrepreneurs with Jacob Ward and Bill Ziehler, Registered Patent Attorneys
No charge, but advance registration required at https://formassembly.umflint.edu/3978
Maker Day Flier (PDF)