Caring for Our Seniors – April 5, 2017

Feel free to share this information within your family, community and social networks. Many seniors have expressed to family, friends, and trusted partners the stress and anxiety they feel around water-related issues, concerns, and the limited amount of resources available to them. In response to this need, on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 (see attached flyer), GHS and a number of other community partners will come together to link seniors and other residents to vital community resources, promote awareness around programs and services designed to support our most vulnerable populations, and provide an opportunity for them to get help, support, and take full advantage of resources which are available.

Some of the highlights:

  1. Health-related concerns, Dr. Wells
  2. Need to Talk – We’re Here to Help, GHS
  3. Shut-off protection plan & other support services for Seniors, Consumer Energy
  4. Water Support Resources for Seniors, Salvation Army
  5. See Attached flyer for more


*If you require special services, i.e., sign or language interpreter, other accommodations, please call 810-496-5545 or 810-610-6527 as soon as possible.

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