This is a formal invite for the Code Enforcement Coalition we are forming to specifically deal with the lack of rental code enforcement in the city. The meetings will be held the second and fourth Friday of each month at 3 pm at the address below.
Members of the coalition are by invitation only, but at the first meeting (to be held 7/26/19), we can discuss who else should be included so neighborhoods throughout the city are properly represented.
Please let me know if you are able to attend, or if you have a representative who can attend. Contact me with any questions.
Thanks, Norma
Norma Sain, Executive Director
Court Street Village Non Profit Housing Corp.
727 East St.
Flint, MI 48503
810-767-0603 (Office)
810-513-1341 (Cell)
810-767-0636 (FAX)
Visit us on the WEB at:
“Providing quality, affordable housing & promoting healthy neighborhoods”