FOCOV Distribution

For those of you who distribute copies of FOCOV, we need a more specific reporting of where you are delivering them. Attached please find a spreadsheet that we request you use when you deliver papers.

It is fairly self-explanatory, simply type in the issue (January, February, etc) where indicated. Where you distribute (Barber shop, party store, drug store, etc) the address of that location, how many you deliver and how many of last month’s paper you pick up.

When finished, simply return the spreadsheet to Chris ( and it will be compiled into a completed version of all distributors.

This is important because we are planning to apply for grants and they would like to have a more concrete idea of who is getting and reading the paper.

I will email Chris’ delivery spreadsheet later this week to give you a better example.

Thank you!

FOCOV Distribution Blank (XLSX)
FOCOV Distribution – Filled (XLSX)

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