The Neighborhood Engagement Hub Needs Your Participation!

The Neighborhood Engagement Hub, your source for assistance with projects throughout the city, is in the process of creating a booklet featuring YOU and YOUR GROUP’S stories.

We are seeking stories from neighborhood groups about a project, or projects, in progress or completed within the last 1-3 years that have improved, or are improving, your neighborhood.

The Neighborhood Engagement Hub Needs Your Participation!Each of your stories should be around 100 words (give or take a few) and include a photo or two of your group, or the project itself. If your group worked with NEH to support the project (borrowed tools, met at the Hub, worked on or completed an Action Plan, or received funding that NEH acted as the fiduciary) that should also be included in your story.

The deadline for your stories is September 21, so time is short! We would really like to include your project(s) in this publication.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Ashley Everhart
Agency Director
Neighborhood Engagement Hub
810-620-1299 ext. 2

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