1026 E Kearsley St
Flint, MI 48503
With a combination of experience and new tools and ideas, residents who have attended Workshop One and Two are invited to “pitch” their vacant land reuse project ideas to a panel of resident leaders and technical experts for on-the-spot feedback.
The goal is to help resident leaders strengthen their plans through panel feedback and discussion. Residents can then use this feedback to strengthen their applications to grant programs such as the upcoming Community Foundation of Greater Flint’s Small Grants Program and Genesee County Habitat for Humanity’s FlintBRAND program grant opportunities.
Due to timing constraints, Resident Pitch Presenters will be pre-selected during Workshop Two. Everyone is invited to attend and listen to the presentations and apply the panel’s feedback to their own project ideas. Details on the upcoming grant programs, including application availability and deadlines will be shared.
RSVP deadline for Workshop 3: Monday, December 4.