1159 E Foss Ave
Flint, MI 48505
Neighbors Working Together
Join with your neighbors on Saturday, March 26, 2016
8:30 to 1:00
Avery Aldridge Activity Center
1159 E Foss Ave
Flint, MI 48505-2324
On March 26, 2016 residents throughout Flint are coming together and creating neighborhood responses addressing:
- The water/lead crisis
- Blighted neighborhoods
- Neighborhood safety
Purpose: Flint residents are working together to identify where action is need, apply solutions, and build supportive relationships.
By the end of the session we will be able to identify who is doing what, in what neighborhoods, and how our collective efforts will allow us to better help and support one another… None will be left behind. We are neighbors helping neighbors.
We are the solution!
Questions? Please contact WOW Outreach 810-789-7700 (workintwogether@gmail.com)
Coordinated by: WOW Outreach, North Flint Reinvestment Corporation, Neighborhoods Without Borders, Community Acton Network, in partnership with BNCP/NAC and West Pulaski Block Club.
With funding support from Ruth Mott Foundation, United Way, Community Foundation of Greater Flint, Community-Based Partners and Local Residents