3216 Martin Luther King Ave
Flint, MI 48505
The Neighborhood Engagement Hub at 3216 M. L. King hosts demonstrations, information booths and edible flint’s release of about 300 garden starter kits on the afternoon of May 17th. AND the Neighborhood Engagement Hub’s Gardener’s Corner sells herbs (7 different herbs), flowers (10 choices) , raspberry plants, packs and flats of vegetables in 4 packs or flats of 24 plants, and more. You may choose to mix packs in a flat and pay the flat price. Use the order form to “assemble” your garden. Pick up a complete order form at the Neighborhood Engagement Hub or call 810 348-5332 or 275-4007. We order what you order – orders and payment due by May 8th. This Corner benefits the Community Tool Shed where you can borrow equipment ranging from rakes and shovels to wheelbarrows to tillers.
Demonstrations on the 17th include using a rain barrel, recycling, getting a library card, recipes and cooking demonstrations, making compost, drying herbs, obtaining property from the Land Bank, and using the big equipment at the tool shed.
When you order an edible flint garden starter kit for $15, you will receive organic transplants grown by Walker Farms and WOJOs and organic seeds purchased in bulk and repackaged for your garden. Each edible flint Garden Starter Kit contains 11 varieties of transplants (about 40 plants), potatoes, and 19 kinds of seeds – enough for about a 1500 square foot garden (30’ x 50’). The transplants this year include: Peppers, collards, okra, watermelon, spinach, kale, cabbage, broccoli, 2 kinds of tomatoes and Yukon gold potatoes. Order forms at edible flint at 605 N. Saginaw Street, Ste. 1A or call 244-8547.