1026 E Kearsley St
Flint, MI 48503
The Tendaji Talks Year 2 Begins August 8
FLINT – March 10, 2017 – The Tendaji Talks, sponsored by Flint’s Neighborhoods Without Borders (NWOB), to commemorate the life and contributions of Tendaji W. Ganges, who died in 2015, continues into its second year of discussions on systemic racism in Flint August 8. Spoken word artist, author and teacher Traci Curie will facilitate a discussion on the language of inclusion.
The discussions take place the second Tuesday of each month at the Flint Public Library, a co-sponsor of the series, at 6 p.m.
Currie’s topic is a follow-up to her very popular discussion on the language of hate presented in November. In both discussions, the participants consider the language that they use to separate or include themselves with others of diverse races, cultures, religions, etc.
These discussions are designed to help Flint and area residents learn about our diverse neighbors, local issues caused by racism, and the impact of racism on our neighbors.
The 2017-18 schedule is:
The Language of Inclusion
Traci Curie, PhD
August 8
Immigration and the Undocumented
Aurora Sauceda and Ralph Arellano
September 12
Hispanics and Racism
Rubén Martinez, PhD
October 10
Hubert Roberts
November 14
Water Crisis: Systemic Racism
Augustin Arbulu, Director Michigan Department of Civil Rights
December 12
More Water Crisis and Systemic Racism
Mona Hanna-Attisha, M.D.
January 9
Black and White as Allies
Traci Kim and Artina Sadler
February 13 – Flint Public Library
Why We Must Work Together
Joyce Piert, PhD
February 20 – New McCree Theatre
This is My Story – Hope, Healing and Love
Kenyetta Dotson
March 13 & 20
Food Deserts and Racism
Vanessa Marr, Ph.D. and panel
April 10 & 17
Northern Migration of My Family from the South
Clara Blakely
May 8 & 15
Ganges, who was among the co-founders of NWOB, spent more than 40 years, including his time as executive director of the Office of Educational Opportunity Initiatives at UM-Flint, serving as a mentor and teacher to underserved students to prepare them for academic success in college.
He served on numerous professional and community boards and committees including the Board of Directors of The Urban League of Greater Flint, membership on the Flint Big Brothers/Big Sisters Mentoring Task Force, the Flint Community Action Group, the Flint Community Leadership Summit and Planning Group, 100 Black Men of Flint, and the Flint and Genesee Chamber of Commerce.
NWOB is a community-based network of residents who use an asset-based approach to work on critical Flint issues and their root causes. NWB’s ongoing efforts center on working to dismantle systemic and institutional racism. Follow NWOB on Facebook.
Funding to support this project has come from the C.S. Mott Foundation and Charlie Nelms. Additional community partners include the Flint Public Library and Metro Community Development, Inc.
Neighborhood Without Borders Contacts:
Bob Brown
Associate Director
Center for Community and Economic Development – Flint
University Outreach and Engagement
Michigan State University
1615 E. Michigan Ave
Lansing, Mi 48912
Phone: 517-353-9555
Flint office and Cell: 810-845-1767
Donna Ullrich, MA, JD
Leo Lecturer
UM-Flint Communications & Visual Arts
cell: 810-730-1590