Mott Park
2402 Nolen Dr, Flint, MI 48504
It is that time of year! Mott Park is having their Park clean up on Saturday, April 28 from 9 am to 12 pm. They are looking for volunteers to help cut back vegetation, clean up trash and make Mott Park even more beautiful. All materials needed will be provided all we need is you.
Volunteers are encouraged to arrive at 9:00 am. Registration will be on the play ground located on 501 Dougherty Place. Please wear comfortable clothes that you are not afraid to get dirty. Do not bring anything of value.
Parking will be along Dougherty Place.
Lunch will be served right after the clean up.
If you are bringing a friend and or family member please include their email and phone number as well as yours so we can contact all parties in case of bad weather.
To Register please follow the link:
If you have any questions please free to contact Mott Park Neighborhood Association at