15500 Chandler Road
The Michigan ACE Initiative was created just over two years ago and has successfully devoted its energy to provide awareness of the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Michigan. While we will continue create awareness in Michigan, it is now time to shift the focus of our conversation to the next step—resilience.
The 2019 Michigan ACE Conference is the perfect opportunity to learn more about what is happening with the ACEs science and data, learn about new and emerging research about the positive influence that resilience has, and hear about best practices that are happening all around the state.
The 2019 Michigan ACE Conference will be held May 23rd from 10:00 – 3:00 at Eagle Eye Banquet Center in East Lansing. The cost for registration is $40. To register and for the conference agenda, go to: www.regonline.com/2019ace.
Attached is a flyer about the conference. Please share widely!