1101 Saginaw St
Flint, MI 48502
The Charter Review Commission (CRC) is still reviewing the community input received at the February 25th community meeting. At the CRC meeting on Tuesday night we reviewed comments from Articles 1, 2, and 4 and we will continue this review process on Thursday on comments on the remaining articles. In order to continue to meet the timeline established for completing a draft charter, we would like to invite you all to a joint CRC Committee of the Whole and Advisory Committee meeting, Thursday, March 2nd starting at 5 pm at City Hall. Please join us for this conversation and share with us your thoughts and participate in a Charter discussion.
Please note this meeting time is an hour earlier than was originally planned. See you Thursday, thank you for your interest in the Charter Review Process.
Click here to see the draft, read about the major changes, and submit your comments online!