2171 Linden Rd
Flint, MI 48532
We are now in the final month of the 2017 Maternal & Child Health Community Needs Assessment! Please see below for information on the next Genesee County Maternal Child Health Network meeting where we will formulate goals/strategies and plan for action.
Friday, September 22
TIME: 9am-12pm
LOCATION: Genesee Health Plan
2171 Linden Rd.
Flint, MI 48532
Light snacks and refreshments will be provided
Please RSVP via the link below:
During our two August meetings, we identified themes based on collected data and then named strategic issues from those themes. Finally we prioritized those strategic issues and collectively decided that the following strategic issues would be addressed through this assessment process:
- How can we ensure that transportation is not a barrier for residents when accessing needed resources to maintain or improve their overall health?
- How can we ensure residents have and are able to access an effective One Stop Resource to improve overall health?
You can view/download the presentations from these meetings via the link below:
8.3.17 GCMCHN Meeting Presentation
8.10.17 GCMCHN Meeting Presentation (includes list of strategic issues)
Your participation in this assessment is greatly appreciated and we look forward to another great discussion on September 22nd!