I wanted to let everyone know about a couple BIG events that Tpr Kramer and I will be involved in within the next few days. Some of you may be interested in attending and possibly bringing your friends and/or family. We are partnering up with Elga Credit Union, Cumulus Radio, the Flint Firebirds and Bubba O’Malley’s for “Blue Goose at Bubba’s.” The event is tomorrow night, starting at 5:30pm and lasting until 8:30pm at Bubba O’Malley’s in Burton. $15/person will get you into the door ($10 will be donated towards “Toys for Tots” and the other $5 will cover your food). The Flint Firebirds will also be there doing a meet and greet and you could win an autographed jersey signed by all the players. There will also be lots of giveaways, 50/50 and a small auction table. Come out to Eat, Drink and have a good time!
This event is going to carry over to the Flint Firebirds game this Saturday. If anyone brings a new, unwrapped toy to the game, YOU GET IN FREE!!! We will have a couple patrol vehicles on display and a check will be presented to Elga Credit Union and MSP with the amount of money we raised from tomorrow’s event and from the night of the game!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!!! We hope to see you there!!
Trooper Amy Belanger
Community Service Trooper / Recruiter
G-4481 Corunna Rd
Flint, MI 48532
OFFICE: 248-444-1365
FAX: 810-732-5306
EMAIL: belangera@michigan.gov