Rx Kids Children’s Parade

FREE Community Celebration on June 11!

In 1918, the United States government recognized ‘Children’s Year,’ an effort to “save 100,000 babies” by addressing issues that impact child welfare, including a lack of data on maternal and child health, the effects of poverty on health, lack of educational resources, and a lack of safe spaces for children to play.

A visual way that advocates for child and maternal health raised awareness of these issues across the country was by hosting “baby parades,” which celebrated and showcased the lives and activities of healthy kids in their communities.

Just a little over a century later, Flint Rx Kids was launched in January 2024 to address many of the same issues the Children’s Year hoped to bring awareness to. Now, Rx Kids is hosting its first-ever Baby Parade in Flint from 2-4 p.m. on June 11 to highlight the historic investment in babies and the program’s early successes. The event will also include an unveiling of the concept for a new Rx Kids mural by Flint Public Art Project, generously funded by the Economic Security Project. Read more about the history of Baby Parades and why Rx Kids is bringing the idea to Flint.

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Rx Kids Children's Parade

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