Happy 2021! I am happy to announce that the Genesee County Maternal Child Health Network 2021 Webinar Series is set to kick-off on February 12th!
Our opening webinar will focus on practical strategies to promote Infant Safe Sleep practices with families in Genesee County (see flyer below).
Registration for this webinar is open now: www.surveymonkey.com/r/safesleepfeb. You will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours of registration; zoom details will follow closer to the presentation date. Please share with your networks and the families you serve. We hope to see you all there!
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this or future webinars.
Best regards,
Aliena Cassady, MPH
Community Health Analyst
Genesee County Health Department
630 S Saginaw Street, Suite 4
Flint MI 48502
E: acassady@gchd.us
P: (810) 257–3435