1120 E Kearsley St
Flint, MI 48503
We do it up right! Red carpet, swag, great food, an 8-foot Oscar and step-and-repeat banner. Great event to share live on your social media!
The Festival will be awarding close to $5,000 in prize money. Professional media judges from across the country — L.A., NYC, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit and more — evaluated entries.
This is a free, family friendly event.
Dress it up!
FYFF Website – FlintYouthFilmFestival.com
RESUME – Entrants may not realize the significance of the fact that their film has been on exhibition at the Flint Institute of Arts since July 1 and for the rest of the month. A 30-day exhibition at a major Michigan art institute is unheard of for professional filmmakers, let alone students and early filmmakers. Don’t underestimate the importance of this achievement. We have two entrants who went directly from MCC and UM-Flint to national film programs in NYC and Baltimore.