1026 E Kearsley St
Flint, MI 48503
The visioning stage of a vacant land reuse project is usually the most exciting, but those dreams will only come to fruition—with long-term positive impacts—if ongoing maintenance is planned from the start. Maintenance is more than cutting grass, picking up trash, and responding to complaints; it is an opportunity to build local relationships, mitigate environmental liabilities, unlock new sources of financial capital, and facilitate shared responsibility for the care of community assets.
This two-hour workshop will “start with the end in mind,” by strategizing methods to leverage good planning and design, stakeholders, collaborations, and resources (financial and otherwise) to support project maintenance. Showcasing initiatives that considered maintenance up front in their design process, this workshop will help participants consider their own unique blend of ingredients to incorporate into an intentional maintenance strategy. Participants who have attended both Workshop One and Two will have the opportunity to sign up at the end of this session to present at Workshop Three.
RSVP deadline for Workshop 2: Monday, October 30.