1220 E Kearsley St
Flint, MI 48503
Communities First, Inc.’s (CFI) Green Life Community Education Program will host its business forum on Wednesday, June 14 from 11:00am to 3:00pm. This event will be held at the Flint Youth Theatre (1220 E. Kearsley St., Flint, Michigan 48503). The Business Forum is open to any business in Flint and Genesee County that is interested in using green practices. Businesses that want to create a healthy, green work environment for their employees, reduce their operating cost and positively impact our community by adopting environmentally friendly practices are encouraged to send a representative. The cost is only $20 and includes lunch!
Topics include:
Buy Local, Buy Healthy, BlueGreen Alliance Foundation
Your Rights As A Utility Customer, Michigan Agency for Energy
Financing Upgrades, Michigan Saves
Sustainability, Seung-Jin Lee, Ph.D., University of Michigan-Flint
In an effort to remain as environmentally friendly as possible, please email the attached flyer to your employees. Registration should be completed on the Eventbrite registration page.
If you are interested in representing your business in our Green Vendor area, tables are available for $10 each. For more information please complete the application.