1309 N Ballenger Hwy
Flint, MI 48504
The Flint City Charter Review Commission has largely completed their work on the new City Charter.
The Draft of the document can be found by clicking on this link: http://flintcitycharter.com/public-comments/
When you click on it you will get this page:
To read the Draft Charter, click on top indicated link. To see the Major Changes in the Charter, click on the bottom indicated link. (Or download them here.)
DRAFT City of Flint Charter 2-2-17
Major Changes in Charter 2-8-17
Copies are also available at the Flint City Clerk’s Office on the second floor of City Hall. There are also a couple of copies available to read at the Neighborhood Engagement Hub and the S. Dort Service Center in the Dort Mall at Dort Hwy and Atherton Road. Please don’t take these copies with you. Please peruse them at either the HUB or the Service Center.
Public comment is not only encouraged, it is essential! Public Comment period ENDS March 6!
Next Saturday, February 25, a Community Meeting will take place to go over the Charter and its proposed changes. All details are in the attached flyer. Doors open at 10:45am and lunch will be served promptly at 11:00am. Your attendance is encouraged and is vital.
Also attached are upcoming meetings of the Charter Review Commission. Citizens are welcome to attend any of these meetings.
Please continue to show your commitment to your community by attending.