515 Perry Rd
Grand Blanc, MI 48439
These conversations, led by The Center for Michigan, provide immediate feedback to collective group perceptions. They allow for an opportunity to participate in civil discourse as a means to share why people have certain beliefs. It covers a broad range of topics from the economy to public school administration. Comments will be recorded and results, from across the state, will be compiled in a report from The Center for Michigan to be released in 2017.
The event is free and open to the public.
Questions should be directed to Linda Hoff, president of the LWV of the Flint Area at lwvflintarea@gmail.com
Hosted by the Genesee District Library. Presented by The Center for Michigan. Sponsored by the LWV of the Flint Area, the Flint Area Public Affairs Forum, and the Delta Sigma Theta Alumni Sorority.