Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU) would like to invite you to join our effort to make Flint neighborhoods a safe place for all residents to live, shop and relax.

Flint Neighborhoods United is a group of volunteer community leaders working together to fight crime, blight and disinvestment in Flint. Our members include representatives from block clubs, crime watches, neighborhood associations and other community organizations. Our goals are to improve communication among and between stakeholders at all levels, create and maintain an environment that supports safe and healthy neighborhoods, and re-establish a city-wide sense of community with a shared responsibility. Through a partnership with the City of Flint Police Department, the Michigan State Police, non-profit organizations, as well as local government agencies, we plan to work together to take direct action to improve Flint.

We invite you to attend our meetings held the first Saturday of each month at Flint Public Library, 1026 E Kearsley St, Flint, from 9:30 to 11:30am. For additional information, please contact us using the contact information listed on this site. We hope to see you there!
