Happy New Year!
The data from the SPEAK to Your Health! Community Survey is continuing to be collected through the first few months of 2016. As a major organization and community leader, we are asking you to encourage the participation of those at your organization in the survey. The survey can be accessed through the Genesee County Health Department’s mobile-friendly website at www.gchd.us/speak. If you would like copies of the survey in paper format, we would be happy to supply you with those.
We have included a fact sheet, newsletter article, health brief, and infographic. It would be greatly appreciated if you shared this information throughout your organization and encouraged them to participate in the survey. We want to hear from them as we work to improve the health status of all Genesee County residents. Please feel free to contact us for more information regarding the survey or if we can provide more specific materials.
Brad Snyder
Genesee County Health Department
(810) 751-3659
Overweight and Obesity – Health Brief (PDF)
Overweight and Obesity – Newsletter Article (PDF)
SPEAK to Your Health! Flyer (PDF)
2015 Speak To Your Health Community Survey Fact Sheet 11.1 (PDF)