2712 Saginaw St
Flint, MI 48505
Metro Community Development’s 2nd Annual Small Business Expo
November 5, 2015 1pm-4pm
Oak Business Center, 2712 N. Saginaw St. Flint MI. 48505
Residents, Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs are invited to attend the Small Business Expo to discover Business Resources such as Business Financing & Development, Business Law, Insurance, Marketing and Advertising to support and grow your business. Business vendors will be available to give an overview of their products, services, provide applications and schedule appointments.
Business Vendors Include:
Chase Bank, Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce, Small Business Development Center-Kettering, Huntington Bank, UM-Flint Innovation Incubator, Peabody Insurance Agency, William & Knack Business Attorneys, Kerning Advertising, Goodwill Industries, Michigan Economic Development Corporation and More.
Lite snacks and beverages will be served
The Cost is Free but Registration required. Please contact Abron Andrews to register at aandrews@metroflint.org or call 810-767-4622 ext.220